Georgetown (46815)

Zip Code: 46815

Georgetown is a busy neighborhood with restaurants, retail, workplaces, and services all within walking distance of home for local residents. And with local favorites like Ziffle's Rib Bar, Tom's Donuts, and Biggby Coffee nearby, visitors from across the region can get a taste of the Georgetown experience.

Feature Story Reusser is a marketing agency located in Roanoke that maintains a full-time, four-day work week.
Feature Story Server Sheila Williams serves a plate of country sausage gravy and biscuits with a side of bacon at Cindy's Diner, 230 W. Berry St.
Feature Story Andre Portee is the Fort Wayne artist and creator of AbsorbALL, renovating basketball courts at local parks into playable murals.
Feature Story Chalk Walk

#PlacesofNEI: Stroll the Fort Wayne Museum of Art Chalk Walk